Monday, October 8, 2012

RealTime Business Case

The most common cases of real solutions today is all about cool marketing apps customized for any unique event or markands action. But the future will require much more of our real-time applications.
We must now begin to think about what really should be included in the concept of real time?!
The techniques involved is designed in a way that they are best presented in large system with many passive users to benefit most from the use of real-time techniques. All unnecessary polling, hand-shaking and headers with useless information can peel away. And there remains the real traffic.
What everyone actually asks for!

A Business Example

We at Realtime Websolutions has just completed a major web project with a client that works on a global market. There difficulties such as sales offices in other continents, time differences and general culture clash complicates the internal work.
Our mission was to create a web-based intranet, extranet and public website for the entire company.
Using real-time technology, we created a bundle of opportunities to simplify the internal work and communication.

Realtime Slideshow / Presentation

By creating templates in the system for web-based slideshows and create the opportunity to control them using a mobile phone. The company received a centrally administered presentation tool for trade shows and sales meetings.
The presenter could be set to show a rolling slideshow, static slides and even be stored as a local copy of a seller's computer. And it is always possible to connect a smartphone to control it.

Realtime "In / Out verification"

As the company works on projects throughout the world and often there were several people at once working with the same data. We realized that it was important to know who was on site a or not. And we did not want to wait for such a status update more than one second. From one continent to the other, worst case scenario can take up to 10 minutes to get the data sent.
Using XSockets we could send this information within 50 milliseconds. And suddenly the staff could start having functional chatroom etc to work together in their projects.

Real Time Chat with logs

We also created a real-time chat for staff to work together in. Where everything that is written is logged and creating a joint working blog for the project. By making all of the text searchable the user easily can go back into the log without knowing the exact content or date.

Real Time Language Support

We also developed a language support, so that messages between different languages ​​is presented differently depending on who is reading. Do you write in English to a Chinese person, you will get the answer in English, as well as your Chinese contact may get his answers in Chinese (the marginal error in translation proved to be a minor issue. Internally, the work log functions like a notebook rather than an accurate record of work )

Real Time Multi-User Video Conference

In the intranet, we are building a video conference for all employees to have their video meetings through.
This enables conferencing via desktop, tablets and mobile phones no matter where you are. This will also simplified the internal communication using real-time technology and webRTC.

These are just some of the features that helped us improve the old type of intranet. Later on we will talk about the opportunities for the public web as well.

1 comment:

  1. Try our video multi-user demo:
    Remember to use Chrome (for now) and the first user "creates" a session
    and share the link to others.
    We've tried up to ten people and this simple demo works perfekt!
