Thursday, October 25, 2012

Future Shopping via Multiple RealTime Variables

For me there is only one web. A website for browsing with mobile, tablet or my desktop. The Web is there to be used and I think we have only seen the beginning of its possibilities.
So far fills native applications certainly a variety of purposes (such as providing the opportunity for Apple to fill the fund) But as our browsers are allowed to take a larger part in our hardware, reduces the importance of native solutions.
Why build the same thing several times for it to be used by everyone?
One can not say that I'm the first to have that view. And I have no hope that it would feel so unique. Though it is essential for the rest of my reasoning.
Today was one of my techniques (Ulf Björklund) how he used a NetDuino to get some random data and then he showed how to filter it through XSockets. It enabled him to create some cool conditions that depends only on web communication.
I sketched a simple usecase to explain some of the opportunities this offers:

An idea of the future the store

Let's say you have a system that connects a people-counter in the entrance hall with a variety of digital screens in the store and some NetDuinos that senses where people are moving. To this you add QR codes, NFC or another opportunity for customers to connect their mobile devices.
You will receive the following variables to experiment with:

  • Time of day
  • Geoposition
  • Number of visitors in the store
  • Selection of connectivity
  • NetDuino Data
  • Data being sent to customers

Some of the conditions created are the opportunity to control the store's communications depending on the number of visitors in the shop or a unique visitor's position in the store. Imagine being able to send information or offers depending on time, location, number of other customers in the store and previously sent offers. The possibilities are almost endless.


Which is thrilling for us in the industry, but a deterrent for those who must fill the system with information and offers (read our clients - those who will pay the bill)
Here you will easily administered web-based systems in handy. Update in real time (if required). Update only one site that appears everywhere in the system.

Everything is digital so we can measure outcomes and impact (which scares us marketers though we have to do better jobs) And last but not least, we can reach all our customers while they are online. Thus, we can control their behavior! (or we hope to control their behavior in all cases).


What if we could send to our customers depending on what decisions they take in the store? If we send an offer depending on the time, place and number of visitors in the store. But if we notice that the customer chooses to slip his phone in his pocket after the reading the offer we just sent (Geoposition) what would we choose to do?
Calling the customer? Send a new even better deal? Or ...
Think on. You will soon be faced with this kind of scenarios.
How cool is that!?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Browser based Video Chat for Multiple Users

When Google released its latest version of Crome October 29 it opens doors for the future web communication. webRTC (web real-time communication) provide opportunities for peer to peer connections and audio / video connections between users.

We will soon see lots of copies of (more or less) known applications such as Skype, ooVoo and others in the market.
Discussion of browser-based applications often present differences for the user experince, using familiar products and its solutions, instead of using new ones. One example among others are Skypes history on the market and the addresses in their system.
But it is quite obvious that the browser is about to take the lead as the most important application of our devices. For example, we see Mozilla's focus on Gecko. It will not be about a single new browser, it's about creating opportunities beyond the native way of thinking.

Regarding the example with Skype it is possible today to build video chats for multiple users, completely browser based. Magnus Thor and Ulf Björklund Team XSockets shows in his demonstration that it is possible. Even before Google released its latest version. The problem with the direct users and channels, they have solved using XSockets Live Service and its APIs.
What is happening is that the new technology breaks down the barriers that we previously took for granted. And what we need to do is to prepare ourselves for this change.
I can see the web-based video chats open to all. Like the speakers-corner in Hyde Park, we create spaces where we can communicate outside of our circle of friends (read Facebook) based on our content instead of relationship.
The social graph is perhaps less interesting, and the value of our intellectual capital higher?! Those who have something useful to say, those who are well-informed and those who have the gift - can in real time spread their opinions over the web. Like but with interaction between the audience and the speaker...

Cool idea!

Monday, October 22, 2012

What happened to professional pride?!

What Happened to Professional Pride?!

The market industry has always been a highly prestigious community. All criticizes all and none but I / we do a really good job.

But in the case of QR codes it is different. We are destroying our own industry. There are so many bad jobs, which supplies so many bad user experience, we are eventually going to destroy the incredible opportunity given industry.
Linking analog media to digital, in a user friendly manner is important to us. It creates jobs in both ends of our working day. We start with a campaign in print without the ability to measure interest and profit, to lead our consumers into our digital campaigns - where we can measure everything they do.
Can it get any better?!
Some of us are (to be honest) afraid of the outcome. For this may mean that we get statisitk saying that we did a poor job.
The paradox is that we so often do a poor job with our QR codes and their mobile landing pages, we will only get the impression that our print campaigns do not work. They pull no traffic to our website!
The reality is that we have made for bad QR codes and or poor landing pages for the consumer to use our services.


Here are two good examples of how we have to work to increase the conversion between analog and digital media:
The right way to tse QR-Codes Brad Blombergs articel from 2011 is not old news, it is very much up to date.

Mobile Landing Page Optimization by  is a good mind set regarding proper  landing page design.

What if

  • The industry were to allow that we helped each other to do things right from the start?
  • It were permissible to notify responsible for a poorly conducted campaign its shortcomings?
  • It could be perceived produce a positive way - rather than as it is today?

Monday, October 8, 2012

RealTime Business Case

The most common cases of real solutions today is all about cool marketing apps customized for any unique event or markands action. But the future will require much more of our real-time applications.
We must now begin to think about what really should be included in the concept of real time?!
The techniques involved is designed in a way that they are best presented in large system with many passive users to benefit most from the use of real-time techniques. All unnecessary polling, hand-shaking and headers with useless information can peel away. And there remains the real traffic.
What everyone actually asks for!

A Business Example

We at Realtime Websolutions has just completed a major web project with a client that works on a global market. There difficulties such as sales offices in other continents, time differences and general culture clash complicates the internal work.
Our mission was to create a web-based intranet, extranet and public website for the entire company.
Using real-time technology, we created a bundle of opportunities to simplify the internal work and communication.

Realtime Slideshow / Presentation

By creating templates in the system for web-based slideshows and create the opportunity to control them using a mobile phone. The company received a centrally administered presentation tool for trade shows and sales meetings.
The presenter could be set to show a rolling slideshow, static slides and even be stored as a local copy of a seller's computer. And it is always possible to connect a smartphone to control it.

Realtime "In / Out verification"

As the company works on projects throughout the world and often there were several people at once working with the same data. We realized that it was important to know who was on site a or not. And we did not want to wait for such a status update more than one second. From one continent to the other, worst case scenario can take up to 10 minutes to get the data sent.
Using XSockets we could send this information within 50 milliseconds. And suddenly the staff could start having functional chatroom etc to work together in their projects.

Real Time Chat with logs

We also created a real-time chat for staff to work together in. Where everything that is written is logged and creating a joint working blog for the project. By making all of the text searchable the user easily can go back into the log without knowing the exact content or date.

Real Time Language Support

We also developed a language support, so that messages between different languages ​​is presented differently depending on who is reading. Do you write in English to a Chinese person, you will get the answer in English, as well as your Chinese contact may get his answers in Chinese (the marginal error in translation proved to be a minor issue. Internally, the work log functions like a notebook rather than an accurate record of work )

Real Time Multi-User Video Conference

In the intranet, we are building a video conference for all employees to have their video meetings through.
This enables conferencing via desktop, tablets and mobile phones no matter where you are. This will also simplified the internal communication using real-time technology and webRTC.

These are just some of the features that helped us improve the old type of intranet. Later on we will talk about the opportunities for the public web as well.